August 29, 2012

Mountain Climbing.

We had an amazing day to climb to the top of Mt. Washington. And by climb, I mean, take the cog railway to the top. Usually the weather is foggy, windy and cold at the summit, but as you can tell from the pictures, our day was pure perfection.

August 26, 2012

We Came, We Saw, We Concord.

We are back! And we had a great time! And while it wasn't the most relaxing vacation I've ever been on, it was a vacation all the same. It did exactly what it was supposed to do.

We saw new places

And tried new things

We roasted marshmallows

 We rode two ferries

 We ate enough meals out, to make us want a home cooked meal
(okay, bad example. . . this just makes me want to be waited on hand and foot)

We swam

We spent time together as a family

 And slept in beds that were comfortable, but made us appreciate our own at home

And we even got to check in with Santa
It was a great vacation! And now it's great to be home.
I'll post more photos later this week!

August 20, 2012

vacation, here we come!

See you when we get back! No souvenirs this time. . . as lovely as he is. We promise! xoxo

August 17, 2012


Someone has learned how to climb out of the crib. I found him standing on Andy's bed when I walked in the room, amongst the destruction.

Rozilla strikes again!

August 9, 2012

There is no sleeping going on.

Good thing someone still manages to look refreshed.