September 4, 2014

First Grade and Pre-K!

The new school year has begun! First Grade has been exciting so far. Andy loves his new teacher, he gets to eat lunch at school in the "Cafetorium", and now has recess! He's a big kid for sure! Rowan's first day was more of an ease-them-in kind of day. It was only an hour and I stayed the whole time, so for him, today will be the true test! Our only snag of the day was the bus (for the second year in a row). School lets out at 3:30, but the bus didn't show up until right before 5pm. Try waiting in the street with a 2 and 4 year old for an hour and a half. . . not easy! But other than that, it was a great start to what will hopefully be a great year!

Happy first day of school!!