March 18, 2015

so, what happened?

I was trying to think what happened in all of the gaps between posts. . . particularly the December to March gap. Here's what I came up with:

1) Andy had the stomach bug
2) I got the stomach bug
3) Henry got an ear infection
4) Henry got the flu
5) Andy got the flu
6) I got the flu
7) Rowan got the flu
8) Henry got strep, which turned into a double ear infection
9) Rowan got strep with a sinus infection
10) Andy got strep with bronchitis
11) Rowan's sinus infection did not respond to antibiotics, so Rowan went on a second round of antibiotics
12) I went to the ER for inflamed intestines
13) Andy got the stomach bug (one full week)
14) Rowan and Henry got the stomach bug (another full week)
15) Rowan caught a cold
16) I caught Rowan's cold
17) Henry caught my cold
18) Anderson started sneezing this morning.

And here we are. So, you can see, there are two themes. We were sick a lot. Tom has an amazing immune system.

In between, very few things happened, but here's the highlights:

We rang in the new year at home with a fancy on top, pajamas on the bottom party, since we were all recovering from the flu

The next morning we headed to the bronx botanical garden to see the train show. We were home by 1 and all needed a nap when in was done. . . except this guy. His superpower is his immune system.
Don't I look healthy?

There's been a lot of drawing going on. A lot.

And a lot of waiting for bedtime.

And there you have it. You are now caught up on the last three months of our lives. Try not to be jealous. ;)

March 16, 2015

who had a happy birthday?

This guy!

Happy birthday, Henry! We love you more than you could ever know! Enjoy being three! xoxoxo