January 11, 2012

happy new year. . .and other things.

Happy New Year! I know it's been quiet around these parts, but I have a really good excuse! I'm tired! I've been *waiting* for the day that I would feel energetic and have something amazing to say and show before posting in the new year, but I am starting to realize. . . that day may never come! So I am here to say happy new year and all that good stuff.

We had a great time celebrating the holidays despite us all getting hit with the never-ending cold that has been going around. We rang in a very quiet 2012, and I honestly feel like we are still playing catch-up from all the time we lost being sick during that week between Christmas and New Years. We had big plans to organize and prepare for the baby's arrival (which is feeling both very near and very far at this point), which, never happened. . . so we are just getting around to making new years resolutions, trying to make room for the new things we've acquired, and throwing out/donating the things that we don't absolutely love. Not very exciting stuff, I know, but necessary, nonetheless.

I hope you all had a beautiful holiday season. Looking forward to a great new year, new experiences and a new family member in 2012! So much to anticipate!

xoxo, Kim

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