May 17, 2012

mother's day weekend: the grande finale

Sunday we spent Mother's Day in a daring attempt to take the boys out to a restaurant -- in public. Given the fact that our waiter was only three days new to the job and took twice as long to serve us as he should have, the day went fairly well. Especially since our expectations were super low after Rowan had an epic meltdown prior to us leaving for the restaurant, Henry had cried the entire ride to Mom & Dad's house, and Andy was complaining before we ever left. Oh, Happy Day!

All things considered, it still was a beautiful day, and I am so happy and lucky to be their mom!

But that doesn't mean I won't tell on them when they're misbehaving. . .

Here's Pouty:
The Cry Baby:
 and Rowzilla:
 Here we are pretending none of it ever happened:

 Happy Mother's Day!

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