June 25, 2013


Saturday we put on our invisible fedoras and did the best hipster impersonation that we could (i.e., we packed away the double stroller and took only one kid in the maclaren stroller with us) and hopped on over to brooklyn for the renegade craft fair. It was pretty fun to see all of the artists/crafters that I have favorited on Etsy or read about on Design*Sponge.  Then we stopped next door for our first Smorgasburg dining tour and chowed on grilled fish tacos with the tastiest pickled cabbage on top (I think they were from here). I wish we had more pictures to share, but between the heat and my full iPhone, I didn't get to snap too many. If I did, then by the end you would have seen a very rosy-cheeked Henry, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. even with the heat... it was a really fun time with you and the hen-hen. i'm in for part 2 this winter!
