January 28, 2014

January 24, 2014

happy birthday, daddy!

We can't wait for you to come home to celebrate!

We love you so much and are so thankful for everything you do! You are an amazing daddy, husband, and friend, and we hope this next year is filled with wonderful moments, happy memories, and lots of 
dreams coming true!
Happy Birthday!
Love always, All of us 

January 22, 2014

let's go, islanders

On Sunday, Tom and the two older boys were treated to a VIP sports experience at the Islanders game. VIP parking, suite seats, a shootout at the end of the game that led to a win, and the chance to shoot some goals on the ice. It was an experience they will never forget!

January 15, 2014


I see you, dinosaur.

And I will try to ride you.

January 9, 2014

sewing school.

On Tuesday we had our very first little sewing class. The kids had been asking for a while, and since they were off for parent-teacher conferences, I decided to go for it.  The beginning and the end went very well. It was just the in-between that was a hot, hot mess.

For our first project, we decided to make eyeglass/sunglass cases. We did a straight stitch on felt all around the three edges. I drew little dots on the felt where their needles should come through. It was simple enough that both Andy and Annemarie got the hang of it after only a few minutes, but keeping the thread in the needle was another story. And that's where everything went wrong.

Andy was convinced I was helping Annemarie more than him, and that I was doing it to intentionally allow her to finish first, thus allowing her to "win." He was in a competition I didn't even know we were having.

His meltdown was epic, and it did take away from the experience for a bit, but even still, the kids did a really great job. Once Andy calmed down, we decorated the cases with more felt and sparkles, and they all ended the day feeling very proud of themselves and what they had created.

This one was mostly made by mommy.
Overall, I'd say it was a success and we are looking forward to doing it again soon. Just not too soon.

January 6, 2014


We finally got out in the snow on Saturday afternoon when the temps warmed up a bit. Andy lasted only a few minutes before coming in for hot chocolate, but Rowan was hardcore and toughed it out for a while before the idea of eating endless whipped cream while pretending to drink hot chocolate won out. Henry stayed warm and snug as a bug napping in his crib and never knew what he missed, but he did get out with Daddy for a haircut, and he's looking handsome as ever.

I just love these guys.

January 3, 2014

new year's morning in the city.

On New Year's Day we hopped in the car and shot into the city like a cannon ball on the magically empty LIE. It turns out, we really don't live that far from NYC after all! But with the traffic, who can tell? So we stopped for a brief visit to see the tree, where it was too cold to linger, and then headed up to the Museum of Natural History. Rowan was in heaven, but Anderson was unimpressed. And I quote, "I don't find dinosaurs all that interesting. . . " 
By noon we were headed over to MumMum and Papa's for New Year's dinner! Kicking off the new year right!

January 2, 2014

it's a new year!

Happy 2014!

We welcomed in the new year with a family game night that turned almost-to-tradgedy, when Rowan sliced the inside of his throat on a new year's horn just as we counted down to the new year! And so it begins! Bring it on, 2014!

But seriously, while it could have been disastrous, we did not end up in the ER or anything, and that is a promising way to start the new year, if you ask me! Feeling optimistic about you, 2014!

Even though I am sad saying goodbye to the holidays and having to take down the tree and the lights, there is something awesome about the start of the new year, right? There's nothing I love more than a white room, a clean slate, a fresh start -- all of the promise and possibility lies ahead. And that's how I feel about January 1st.  So let's get this new year started, and let's make 2014 the best year yet! xoxo