January 2, 2014

it's a new year!

Happy 2014!

We welcomed in the new year with a family game night that turned almost-to-tradgedy, when Rowan sliced the inside of his throat on a new year's horn just as we counted down to the new year! And so it begins! Bring it on, 2014!

But seriously, while it could have been disastrous, we did not end up in the ER or anything, and that is a promising way to start the new year, if you ask me! Feeling optimistic about you, 2014!

Even though I am sad saying goodbye to the holidays and having to take down the tree and the lights, there is something awesome about the start of the new year, right? There's nothing I love more than a white room, a clean slate, a fresh start -- all of the promise and possibility lies ahead. And that's how I feel about January 1st.  So let's get this new year started, and let's make 2014 the best year yet! xoxo

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