May 28, 2014

double dates.

This weekend I had the pleasure of going on TWO dates!

The first date was with Anderson. For mother's day he made me a coupon booklet, and one of the coupons was to take me out to lunch. He talked about this lunch date non-stop, thirty times a day, for two weeks straight. He was so excited! I felt bad because Rowan felt left out, but it was so nice to spend time with just Anderson. It was a rare treat to get to give him my undivided attention. Here's a picture of my handsome little gentleman (before his shirt was covered in chocolate chip pancakes):

The next night we got a babysitter and Tom and I went out for drinks on the water and then tapas. How lucky am I?!?! Here's a picture of another handsome man in my life:

The sunset was amazing that night:

 Seriously, I could get used to this kind of treatment! :)

May 15, 2014

what we've been up to.

Well, it's been a while. So let me catch you up on what you've missed:

Rowan borrowed Annemarie's coat one afternoon when it got cool, and he "loved" his "new jacket with the blue squiggles" (yes, that would be his description of leopard print)

He loved it so much, he wanted to wear the coat to his school art show, but I refused 
(though he did look Fabulous in it)

Here's Picasso in front of his masterpiece. It's a mountain flower.

Andy scored his first goal at a soccer game (not scrimmage). He was thrilled, and we were thrilled for him. Probably no one more so than Rowan. We celebrated with popsicles.

The boys are obsessed with hockey

 Andy chose me as his "Special Person" for special person day at school

 He sang songs that made me cry and then we ate snacks. It was a perfect day.

Henry is, apparently, speaking too well to receive speech services anymore. He tested out this week. 
 Here he is looking handsome, only hours before coming down with the stomach bug
 Here's the quarantine Rowan set up as he chanted "Don't Touch Hen-ry!"
 Here's Henry wiped out the next day. Little did I know how hard I was about to get hit with the bug myself. . . 
 But I recovered in time to go to Rowan's Mother's Day Tea at preschool. 
And here we are only hours before. . . 

. . . you guessed it! Rowan came down with the stomach bug.

Hope you had a great Mother's Day and a great week after. 
We'll be here if you need us. Sitting on the couch eating a BRAT diet til our tummies are back up to speed.