July 29, 2014


So, it's been two weeks. I guess it's time I share how Anderson's birthday went. . . timely, I know.

The day before his birthday we went to the Mets game, and thank goodness they won (no I should say "smmmoked" the Marlins 9-1) and we were able to enter and leave the game with a happy birthday-boy.

Let's Go Mets!

He's Six, so he's Sassy now.
A precious family photo with my boys at the game
And another
And anoth. . . I give up.

But Daddy gets one!
our seats were amazing
Anderson really had a blast.

Rowan? Meh, not so much.

"Good game, good game, good game, good game"
Oh, did I say Anderson had a blast? Ahem. I meant Granderson! Happy Birthday, Buddy!

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