June 30, 2011

breakfast of champions.

I have eaten potato chips for breakfast just about every single day since we arrived on this island.  Salty, crunchy, oh-so-tasty, potato chips. The problem is that by the time we go home, I am going to need an intervention. Not to mention, a new wardrobe. See example: I open the refrigerator with every intention of grabbing a yogurt and some really good-looking blueberries that we picked up at the local (not-so-cheap) market. Suddenly, a little voice in my head says you're on vacation. eat the chips. And I do. Do I ever.

Even on days like today, where I resist their siren song at 9:30 am, I end up eating them for at least one meal. Tonight: second dinner. The worst part is that our first dinner was delicious. It was lobster! Seriously? What is wrong with me? This morning, when I asked Andy what he wanted for breakfast, he said potato chips. He doesn't even eat potato chips. Mom of the Year, right here:

Look at how big that bag is?!
note: I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that I ate potato chips the entire time I sat here writing this (so how sorry can I be), and Tom just asked, "Do you need me to take them away from you?" I do. I definitely do.

One day left.

June 27, 2011

block island + fog = beauty {rest}

Our first day on Block was a foggy one, but from what we can tell, it is going to be an amazing week of rest combined with tough decisions about things such as: where to take a walk and what seafood to eat for lunch, so as not to take away from what we eat for dinner.

We may never want to go home.

The boys are sold on vacation, as well. They've never seemed happier. They love the change of scenery, and of course, having daddy home every day.

And I have a new favorite picture.

June 21, 2011


My lovely, charming, beautiful, sweet Aunt Marie. True beauty. Inside and out.
We will miss you so very much.

June 20, 2011

day-into-evening date.

On Saturday, Tom and I headed into Brooklyn to see the Northside Festival at McCarren Park for a date that turned into an all day affair (thanks to Nanna for babysitting!). Before the show we walked around a bit.

We hit up an old-fashioned photo booth,

watched a life-sized scrabble game,

tried our first cemita sandwich (deliiiishous),

entertained ourselves while waiting for the port-a-potty,

did some amazing people-watching,

and watched a fun show.

And, as if that weren't enough, we had so little traffic on the way home, there was time for drinks and a small bite to eat at one of our favorite restaurants here in town! A great date, indeed! Thanks to my love, Mr. Soper,  for such an unexpectedly awesome evening! 

June 17, 2011

Wrapping up.

This week has been filled with tying up loose ends. The plumber is here finishing the last of the work we have done around the house (I'll be posting pictures soon!); I finished the back side of my beach quilt (now I just have to put it all together), and Andy had his last day of preschool yesterday. It feels like we are finishing lots of things that have been hanging over our heads -- and that we are getting ready for something -- just not sure what that is yet.  Maybe it's just summer and summer vacation. Maybe there are new opportunities on the horizon. Who knows? Here's our big boy on his last day of school -- double-fisting a cupcake and popsicle.

June 14, 2011

June 9, 2011

how we {tried to} beat the heat.

It's a little known fact that there is a directly inverse correlation between how cool your kids are and how warm you are. While they're jumping through sprinklers and dipping in pools, I'm the one lugging hoses, struggling to put on swimmie diapers, and hauling bath seats and pools around the yard. By the time they are done cooling themselves, my face is literally melting off.

Anderson played in the sprinkler at Mom-Mom and Papa's yesterday when it was a balmy 87 degrees. Today both boys played in the pool on this glorious 97 degree day.

According to Andy, "It was toe fun!" (that's "so" fun, in case you don't speak fluent Anderson).
And for that, it was all worth it.

June 7, 2011

Busy little weekend.

The weekend went quickly. Too quickly in my opinion. But we had beautiful weather that we luckily got outside to enjoy, because by tomorrow it's supposed to be almost 90 degrees -- and there won't be much enjoying in that. We had a great time visiting with Tom's family in CT, and then Sunday played hooky from some of our chores and went to the beach instead.  Hope you had a great one, too!

June 3, 2011

pb&j's on the beach? yeah, it's kinda our thing.

It's only June 3rd, and we've probably had a pb&j picnic on the beach about five times already this summer. I think it's safe to say we've got a new summer habit!

Happy Friday!

June 2, 2011

we are so lucky.

Today we had the kind of day that I dream about. The weather was perfect (although super windy!) and the day was filled by doing fun things with my family. First, I went on a "fieldtrip" with Andy's preschool. We walked down the path that connects his little school to our church. All in all -- about a one block walk -- but just enough for these guys to handle. In fact, I wound up carrying Andy up the path on the way back! Later, we took a drive with grandma to tour some of the beautiful beaches in our neighborhood, and ended it with ice creams in an old-fashioned ice cream shop! It was great!

A post-walk popsicle with his friends.

Feeling the breeze.

Wow, ice cream?
It must be my 10 month birthday!