September 30, 2011

17 walnuts.

Andy (from back seat of car): "Mum-Mum, I wanna tell you tumthing. About teventeen walnuts."

Seventeen walnuts. We have a numbers puzzle in the playroom that speaks. Only we are missing a piece. The "17". So everytime the light goes off in the playroom, the puzzle announces: "Seventeen (pause) walnuts." It's been going on for about four months, but Andy just realized it the other day. And to him, it is the greatest thing ever. "Do you hear that?", he'll say as he turns the light on and off. So, the fact that he was thinking about it when we were in the car, nowhere near our house, and needed to tell grandma about it, is just hilarious to me. His mind is a crazy-interesting place.

And so is our house. Here's a little taste of the cherry on top of the sundae that was this week. T.G.I.F.

Happy Weekending!

September 23, 2011

feeling gray.

Some of us are feeling a little bit under the weather here today (mainly, me), so we are going to be taking it easy on this hazy, lazy, rainy day. Hope you have a great weekend!

September 21, 2011

bronx zoo.

This weekend we visited the Bronx Zoo with friends. We had a great time with our friends, but I think we could have probably been anywhere and done that! I think collectively the kids' favorite part of the zoo was riding the Monorail -- it was a great way to see a lot in a reasonably short amount of time. It really is amazing to see all of those exotic animals in the middle of the Bronx! That said, I think the zoo may have been a little overwhelming for the little guys (and maybe me, too). But it sure was a beautiful day, and being outside on a beautiful day is really the most important thing!

September 20, 2011

back to school and back to pool.

Andy finally had his first half-day back to school on Friday and his first full day yesterday. I don't have many pictures to show for the entire week because the memory card was full on my camera. . .bad mommy. But here are a few shots I squeezed in from Friday, the first swim class on Saturday, and the first day of school yesterday. As you can see, Andy wasn't thrilled about having his picture taken on Monday. C'est la vie!

September 14, 2011

a quilt for andy.

Here is the first half of a little lap quilt I'm making Anderson for Christmas. I'm not 100% in love with the fabric, but I do think it turned out okay, and it's cute for a little boy. It's not a surprise project, so, unlike my beach quilt -- which is completely assembled but remains in the waiting-to-be-quilted stage -- I have Andy over my shoulder every day reminding me of the work to be done. Comments like, "How my quilt coming, Mommy?" and "You working on my quilt?" really keep me in line! I'll post more pictures of the finished product, once I get there. . .

September 13, 2011

September 12, 2011

boston, part 1

This weekend we did a complete 180, and instead of heading to Maryland as planned, we went to Boston! We spent Friday afternoon and Saturday morning hitting the tourist-y sites at Faneuil Hall, Quincy Market, the North End and Boston Common; then spent the rest of Saturday and Sunday with friends. It was an awesome weekend with beautiful weather and some of our favorite people!

September 7, 2011

the weekend, in pictures.

Pictures taken at:
1 & 2. The Vanderbilt Museum, Centerport
3. Centerport Beach
4 & 5. Uncle Timmy & Seren's House