March 29, 2012

the many hairstyles of henry soper.

You've already seen him rock the faux hawk just days after birth. His uncle may or may not have compared his spikes to Paulie D.
the jersey shore

But he is so much more than just a trendy hipster or guido. He's really quite hair-versatile:
the center part

the side comb over

the pompadour

the comb forward

the greaser
And for those of you wondering how things went on our first day alone, I am proud to say that we all survived! It was hairy at times, particularly at meal times, but we made it through. And hopefully, each day, as we all learn each other's habits, it will get a little bit easier.

March 27, 2012

something to smile about.

Today was a tough day. The kind of day that makes me very, very afraid for Thursday, when Tom goes back to work. But these pictures make me so happy, that now that the older boys are in bed, I can take a deep breath and remind myself of how lucky we truly are.

March 26, 2012

hello, spring.

The weather last week was just too nice to stay inside, so we headed outdoors for some fresh air and sun. Henry hit the beach for the first time, and, although he never knew he was there, I'm sure he had a super time!

Welcome back, Spring! It's so nice to see you again!

March 22, 2012

one week new.

Happy Birthday, Henry! 

It's been an amazing week!

March 21, 2012

March 20, 2012

Life, right now.

We are loving everything about our little Henry. His tiny little feet. His crazy-full head of dark hair. The way he completes our family. We are very lucky, indeed.

March 18, 2012

Meet Henry.

He's here! He's here! He's finally here! 

We are so excited to introduce you to our newest little family member, Henry Thomas Soper. 
Born March 15th at 10:38 am, weighing 8 lbs., 3 oz. and 21.5 inches long. 

Isn't he handsome?

March 11, 2012

until further notice.

Still no news to report, so until I have something exciting to share, I am directing all further questions here.

March 10, 2012

passing time. slowly.

  • playing with the boys
  • walking around town in the little shops (here's some things I loved at Just 4 The Home)
  • watching the boys at swim class
Hope you are having a nice weekend, and I hope that I will have some news to share sooner rather than later!

March 7, 2012

39 weeks, i think?

I have no idea how far along I am at this point or when I can expect the baby to arrive. At first the doctors said they wouldn't let me go past a few days before the due date (which they told us was the 13th). So in my estimation, based on where they had me schedule the c-section date with Rowan (the 6th was the last day they possibly would have allowed me to go, and my due date was the 9th), I figured the last possible day I could be pregnant would be March 9th or maybe the 10th if c-sections can be pre-scheduled for a weekend.

But now, the doctors have said that no c-section need be scheduled. Which is great, don't get me wrong! It just leaves things much more up in the air. Combined with the fact that the last two times I've gone to the doctor they've told me my due date is the 14th and not the 13th (not quite sure how that changed this late in the game), I really have no idea how far along i am, or how long I possibly have to go. Have I mentioned that I am really really bad at waiting? I am. I'm anxious, bored, nervous, tired, uncomfortable and just really ready to meet this new person that is going to be joining our family!

Next appointment is tomorrow. . . we'll see what they say!

March 6, 2012

poor baby.

It's hard to believe that within the next few days (we hope) our baby won't be the baby anymore. It will be even harder for him to believe, I'm sure. Poor Rowan.

March 5, 2012

another one.

You may remember the quilt that I made for baby that I mentioned a while ago. I finished it back in January, and really didn't think about it again. . .
with brothers on top
. . . that was, until last week.  See, last week I had a really hard time sleeping and would find myself obsessing about things in the middle of the night to the point that I would end up in a sweaty panic. You know the kind  -- where your heart pounds irrationally and you can't even talk yourself into recognizing how not a big deal it really is.  Things like, what on earth are we going to name the baby if it's a boy?; and, how the heck am I going to get to the hospital if Tom is at work when I go into labor?; and also, is that quilt I made really soft enough for the baby to sleep under? As you can see, the level of severity really runs the gamut, but they all had me freaking out equally at one point or another.

So, we finally have a name (thank goodness!).  I still have no plan for getting to the hospital other than praying that I go into labor either before Tom leaves in the morning or after he gets home from work. And, I made a new quilt.

with brother on top
So I guess two out of three isn't too bad, because I've been sleeping much sounder this week.

March 4, 2012

and this is why footballs don't belong in the house.

I wasn't particularly happy that this poinsettia plant had lasted this long into the new year, but I also didn't really have a good reason to throw it out. It looked as perfect as the day I bought it -- glitter on the leaves, and all. Until today. Tom had Andy throw him the football, and the football landed right in the center of my plant. They are lucky it didn't hit the flat screen tv, only a few inches to the right. Not to sound like a know it all, but this is why we don't throw footballs in the house. . . DADDY!