December 7, 2011

what we've been up to.

It's been a while. . . things have been busy around here. Christmas preparation is in full swing, I am officially another year older (and wiser, of course), and George the Elf has made his annual appearance. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. . .whether we are ready for it or not! Hope your holiday prep is going well and there is time to enjoy the little moments that make the season bright!

November 24, 2011

happy thanksgiving!

Hope you have a wonderful holiday! xoxo

November 16, 2011

natural color.

How beautiful are the fall leaves?

November 15, 2011

warm fall "nights".

Since it's been getting dark at 4:30 this week, I'm thankful that the air has stayed warm. That way we can still expend some late-day energy outside in the fall leaves, even if it feels like we're outside at 9:00 at night.

November 14, 2011

swim class.

Saturday was the boys' last swim class of the year, and it is amazing to see the progress that they have made from the first to the last class. I was bursting with pride as I watched Andy swim across the pool without holding on to the instructor (just a floaty). And Rowan went from crying the first time he got into the pool to jumping and splashing away as soon as he sees the water. Such progress in such a short time! Truly, something to be thankful for!

November 11, 2011

sweet boys.

I am thankful for my beautiful boys. I love them with all my heart. And I love how much they love each other.

November 8, 2011

hello, wound. have some salt.

Yesterday was one of those days. Allow me to introduce into evidence: the kitchen wall.

Andy was sent to time out for smothering his brother with the couch cushion. While he was in time out, I decided to change Rowan's diaper. I could hear an unfamiliar sound coming from the kitchen, but without being able to see him or identify it by ear, I simply said "You are not supposed to be moving while you're in time out." He stopped. Once the time out was over, I walked over to him, bent down to his level (like all the books say you're supposed to do) and reiterated to him why he went to time out blah, blah, blah. It was over. And I didn't ever make eye contact above counter-height.

Which was when Andy proudly said, "Look, Mommy. I ruined your wall."

Can you see it? The photo's not great. Here's what he did: he put his fingers on the wick of that candle (which had been inside our jack-o-lantern and was just hanging out there on the counter waiting to be put away -- by Mommy, I guess -- even though I'm not the one that made the jack-o-lantern. ahem.), broke off a piece, and then smeared it on the wall, ever so artistically.

And it doesn't come off. 

That was just one, of many "challenging" situations we had yesterday. Many. Many. Many.

Now, I know I'm supposed to be posting about being grateful this month, and this story doesn't really fit the bill; but I think I can still pull it back, and tie it all together. . .

Today, I am grateful that Yesterday is over.

November 7, 2011

happy birthday, papa.

This weekend, we celebrated Papa's birthday, which happens to be today! Happy Birthday, Papa! 

We are thankful for another year that we get to spend together, for being near to our family, and for special celebrations and special memories. Hope you had a great birthday, and a terrific year to follow!

November 4, 2011

date nights and great babysitters.

Today I am grateful for the chance to head into Brooklyn for a terrific date night with Tom. He took me to see Feist, which was an awesome show (you can read about it here)! It was all made possible because MumMum and Papa were willing to watch the boys overnight, giving us the chance to take a little break from our every day routine and feel like a couple -- and not just a mommy and daddy -- for an evening.