September 30, 2011

17 walnuts.

Andy (from back seat of car): "Mum-Mum, I wanna tell you tumthing. About teventeen walnuts."

Seventeen walnuts. We have a numbers puzzle in the playroom that speaks. Only we are missing a piece. The "17". So everytime the light goes off in the playroom, the puzzle announces: "Seventeen (pause) walnuts." It's been going on for about four months, but Andy just realized it the other day. And to him, it is the greatest thing ever. "Do you hear that?", he'll say as he turns the light on and off. So, the fact that he was thinking about it when we were in the car, nowhere near our house, and needed to tell grandma about it, is just hilarious to me. His mind is a crazy-interesting place.

And so is our house. Here's a little taste of the cherry on top of the sundae that was this week. T.G.I.F.

Happy Weekending!

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