September 2, 2011

. . .and we're back!

Not-so-hurricane Irene might have only been a tropical storm, but she definitely packed a punch in our neighborhood. We finally got our power back at 7:30 on Wednesday night, only to wake up Thursday morning to find that someone attempted to break into our house.  Needless to say, we have had enough excitement over the past week or so to last us for quite some time. Between an earthquake, hurricane, lost power, and having the police here to start the day yesterday, I am quite ready to say goodbye to the summer of 2011. It was definitely a summer to remember, with lots and lots of surprises, but I think I am ready to welcome fall and getting back into the routine of school, swimming classes and looking forward to the holidays.
I know. First cold day, and I will be wondering what crazy juice I was drinking when I wrote this.

For now, I am just enjoying getting back to our regular routine of the day. The boys ate raisin toast for breakfast. Marinara sauce is simmering on the stove (it is Friday, after all!). And the ceiling fans are humming overhead. Sometimes the mundane is so comforting!

Here are some pictures from the past few days, while we've been basking in Irene's fury.

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend! xoxo

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