August 13, 2013

sometimes we're boring.

And that's okay. Because we I get tired and need a rest. Boring can be good. But it doesn't give me much to say around these parts, it's true. So, here is a little glimpse into life when we're at home, hanging out, doing errands, and as Andy would say, "recharging."
First, I ignore child labor laws and put my children to work in my sweatshop.

Here I'm having the boys separate my fabric scraps into color coded piles. They thought it was fun. Until it wasn't.


The tedious chore of writing thank you notes with a five year old. More child labor.

Watching truck videos after dinner.

More practicing.

The wake of Henry. Or as we call him, Rowan 2.0

The original.

Purple and white potatoes from the farmers market.

Grilled veggies, a sunflower from rowan and a summer cocktail, thanks to my hubs, the weekend mixologist.
Here's the recipe for The Cuke, if you're feeling ambitious.

Summer tomato salad on the side.

At the mall.

And at the same time at the mall.
And there you have it. If you're still awake.

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