September 18, 2013

first day of preschool. . .

and he already pooped his pants! I'll chalk it up to first day jitters (annnnnnnnnnnnd not being potty trained when he's supposed to be. oops).

When I dropped him off he went into the classroom and just sat staring at me with this stunned expression as Henry and I walked away. He was like a deer in headlights. His tiny little face and those big eyes. I knew it would be okay, but he sort of broke my heart to leave him. So, even though it was a pain to go back only an hour later to change his dirty diaper, it was good to see that he was already having lots of fun. The teacher told me that she called them to circle time, and apparently when she told him to sit down he told her, "I can't! There's poop in my pants!" I can just see his arms straight out in front of him as he emphatically said that.

Such a little peanut! I don't know how he fits all that personality into that tiny little body!

(Update: apparently after I changed him, everything fell apart. He stopped listening, threw a book at the teacher, and refused to line up or come off the playground. The teacher had to come out and "talk to me" at pickup time. All of my worst fears -- the pooping and the misbehaving -- on the first day. No honeymoon period for Rowan. He shows it all. Take me as I am. When we got home, Rowan was being aggressive with Henry so he skipped lunch and went up to his room. He was asleep within five minutes and is still out cold an hour later. I'm not sure what to make of all this. Is it too much for him?)

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