September 17, 2013

our newest little preschooler.

Monday was Rowan's first official day of preschool. It was only a 1/2 day, which, is funny, because for him a full day is really only a quarter of a day to start with. So, this was actually more like an 1/8 day. But, I digress.

You're not going to believe this, but Rowan was not super-cooperative when it came to taking his picture for the first day of school! (I do remember Andy going through a similar phase at the same age, so while it's a pain, I know this too shall pass. . .)

Anyway, this is the best I could do. Here he is before school "posing" with his brothers. Yaaaay school!

 . . . and at school:

 Awesome, right?

Good luck this year, Rowan! Though I'm not sure who will need it more -- you, or the teacher! xoxo

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