October 17, 2013

pennsylvania travels.

This weekend we packed a whole lot of activity into a short overnight trip to PA. While I was spending the day at my friend Lisa's baby shower, Tom took the boys to an arboretum where they ran themselves so hard that they behaved like (almost) perfect gentlemen at dinner with Lisa and her husband. The next morning after no sleep (thanks, Henry!), we headed over to Frecon Farms for a flash visit with family and some apple and pumpkin picking at the orchard. Then it was back in the car to NY so that daddy could make the trip again the next morning on the train.

fell asleep in the car on the way home from dinner. he woke up at 3 am and never went back to sleep.

(photo courtesy of Anderson)

Backseat Driver
(looking very much like a young Tom Soper in these photos, in my opinion)

almost home!

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