October 10, 2013

seriously, october?

It's already October 10th, and I am still mentally in September. Things are moving so quickly I can't keep up, as you can probably tell. My camera is full, my storage on my phone is running over, everyone's closets need to be pruned and organized, there are things in the cabinets and fridge that need to be pitched. It's been a lot, adding homework to the nights, on top of soccer and pickups and packing lunches and library books and being special helper at Rowan's school and all the other things we are getting used to (ahem, I'm talking to you, mr. soper). Plus, Rowan now thinks I'm his playmate with Andy off at school. And he still refuses to potty train. And he rarely naps. I am afraid I am missing the whole "smelling the roses" thing right now. Right now, it feels more like "just surviving." But I'm hoping we will get into a groove by the end of this month. . . just in time to add in Halloween and the rest of the holidays!
Good thing they are cute. It's a good, good thing!

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