December 24, 2013

merry christmas eve!

It's almost time!

It's George's last day with us this year  -- tonight he'll be on his way back to the North Pole until 2014!

Santa is probably packing the last toys and goodies into his sleigh right now as he heads out to the homes of kids in the other half of the world!

And around here we are eating the last chocolate in our advent calendars; putting the finishing touches on presents; setting the table for Christmas dinner; and getting very, very excited for Santa to visit our house tonight!

Hope you are enjoying the anticipation of this special day as well!

Before I go finish the merry-making, here are some pictures from Rowan's preschool christmas concert. He told us ahead of time that he was not going to sing. And he meant it.
here he is walking into the auditorium. . . the reality sets in. this is happening.

he turns to face the crowd

and with that, Rowan's performance is over before it began

but he did recover enough to take a super cute picture with santa

even if he was skeptical after what had just happened

but he comforted himself by double-fisting some cookies and candy canes



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