August 15, 2014

rochester museum of play.

Pictures from the museum, comin' atcha. Cute place. Lots for the kids to interact with. A lot of toys are "retro" - aka things Tom and I played with as kids. You know, relics of earlier times. Soooo. . . nothing like taking your kids to a museum to make you feel super-old, right? 

Sitting on the Sesame Street stoop. Making unattractive faces.

This little grocery store was one of my favorite parts of the whole museum. The kids got to "shop" for groceries. Then they had to "checkout" and got a receipt for their purchase!

Tantrum Time!

So, while he was on the floor, we took a photo. Because, why not?

Nothing says "vacation" like life-sized chess.

Check out this little beauty. Our first computer is now in a museum. Behind glass. Like the spear heads and wampum found in ancient caves at the museum of natural history.

"What's a . . . joystick?"

So many carousels lately. Getting very brave.
 And then, it was time to go.

Get ready, Canada, here we come!

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