October 28, 2011

place your bets.

Here is the latest photo of Baby Soper, who, we are happy to report is healthy and thriving inside of Mommy's belly! We opted not to find out the sex, so, of course now we have set ourselves up for 4.5 months of staring at this photo to try and determine gender one way or another. My gut feeling is telling me that it's a boy, but I've been wrong before. Oh wait, no I haven't.

October 27, 2011

rainy day play.

Today's weather can pretty much be summed up in one word: gross.  So we are keeping busy inside with pillow and blanket forts, coloring, and crawling back and forth through the tunnel. And that was pre-lunch. Not really sure what we are going to do for the rest of the day. . . but so far, so good. . .

Only seven hours to go till bedtime. (sigh).

October 25, 2011

jenny & josh's wedding brunch.

You've probably seen the pics from Jenny and Josh's wedding here and here. These are some photos from brunch the next morning, in my final post about the weekend:

October 24, 2011

jenny & josh's wedding: after the ceremony.

As I mentioned here, we spent the weekend with family in Boyertown, PA celebrating Jenny and Josh's wedding! Here are a few more pictures of the boys playing on the apple orchard after the ceremony, meeting some of their aunts and uncles for the first time, and from the reception!

October 23, 2011

jenny & josh's wedding: the ceremony.

This weekend we headed to Boyertown for Tom's cousin Jenny's wedding. The ceremony took place on the Frecon family apple orchard and was as beautiful as a scene in a movie. Jenny looked gorgeous as she was escorted down the hay-strewn aisle by her dad, and every aspect of the ceremony was perfectly choreographed to reflect her and Josh's personalities and relationship. We were so happy to be a part of their special day. Congratulations, Jenny & Josh!

October 18, 2011

nanna's birthday.

This weekend we celebrated Nanna's birthday! The day was cool and cloudy which made for a really beautiful scene on the lake (though it's hard to tell from the pictures -- they really don't do justice to the prettiness of the day). The boys had a blast meeting their Aunts Joanne and Lynne, and when we got home Andy told us, "that was a great party!" Uncle Timmy prepared a delicious meal for everyone and, of course, Andy was psyched because there was chocolate cake! A great start to a new year -- happy birthday, Nanna!

Make a Wish!

October 12, 2011


Our sweet Anderson has been fighting a fever since we came home from the pumpkin patch on Sunday. It's been frighteningly high at times, at 106 on Monday night and 104 last night. He's a trooper, though, and hanging in there while we all wait for him to feel back to his old self again.

October 10, 2011

pumpkin picking (in a heatwave).

Yesterday was a first! We went pumpkin picking, and when we arrived at the patch, the smell of sunscreen made it smell more like a summer day at the beach than a fall day surrounded by pumpkin, cider, and bails of hay! Nonetheless, we picked our pumpkins -- all five of them -- and we think we got some good ones. All 38.2 lbs of them!