Mr. Soper turns 35 today! In no particular order, I thought I'd start off the day with a list of 35 things I love about him. Here goes:
1. He plays Chutes and Ladders and "cushions" with Andy when he gets home from work, even when he's exhausted.
2. He watches shows like
Project Runway and
Sarah's House with me.
3. He's handsome (see picture above).
4. He can memorize a TV schedule like no one else.
5. He's really smart.
6. He tells me that I'm beautiful, even when I'm in crappy pajamas and have no makeup on.
7. He's funny and makes me laugh. A lot.
8. He's an amazing dad.
9. He willingly gives the kids a bath at night.
10. He loves to make pancakes and muffins with Andy.
11. He's ambitious.
12. He vacuums.
13. And he does laundry (sometimes he even does it
14. He helps me put my shoes on when I get too pregnant to do it myself (heads up: we're
almost at this point for the third time. This was the first time. . .)
15. He's a great husband.
16. He really likes his job, he's good at it, and he makes it possible for me to stay home with our kids.
17. His beard.
18. He is always up for trying new things, from
pickled tomatoes to climbing Mt. Etna.
19. He's amazingly good at trivia.
20. He talks a lot, but not as much as Anderson (thank goodness!).
21. He's always enthusiastic about whatever meal we're having for dinner (whether I spent 4 hours or 4 minutes to make it).
22. He makes the bed.
23. He smells good.
24. He supports me through everything I do (yay, law school!).
25. He reads a lot.
26. He loves a good robe (I know I have a great picture for this somewhere, but I just can't find it, so here's a pic of him being cute with our kids instead).
27. He makes a great
snow glob.
28. He reads a bedtime story (or two, or three) to the boys every night.
29. He makes a mean mojito.
30. He loves my friends and family.
31. He loves music and shares new bands that he likes with all of us.
32. He will order
anything on the menu if it says
peas, prosciutto, or
artichoke hearts.
33. He surprises people with how fast he can run.
34. He remembers to put undershirts on the kids, even when I don't ask.
. . . and
35. He's the best friend I could ever hope for.
Love you, Babe! Happy Birthday! xoxo