April 27, 2012

April 26, 2012

six weeks.

Starting the day off with a smile. Happy six week birthday, Henry!

April 21, 2012

a henry montage.

Bad mommy. I missed posting for Henry's one month birthday. So instead, I am providing you with a montage of Henry -- a cornucopia of Henry, if you will. To try to redeem myself. Hold on to your seats. It's a lot of cuteness to take in at one time.

April 20, 2012

the hunt.

I never posted pictures from this easter. The bunny made it to our house by the hair of his chinny chin chin. Phew.

April 19, 2012

over the weekend.

This weekend we took a stroll on the boardwalk and had our first picnic of the season.

April 18, 2012

some spring in our step.

Sorry for the long absence. We've been busy -- adjusting to our new routine as a family of five -- as well as busy outside, enjoying the beautiful weather. Here are some shots of what spring looks like around here. Seriously, isn't this season the best?

April 4, 2012

[not so] crazy hair day.

Crazy hair day at preschool wound up being not so cray cray, since Andy did not have the patience to wait for me to sculpt his hair into a faux hawk. So, he wound up looking more. . . suave. . .than crazy. But, I guess compared to the bowl cut, it was crazy for him. He made me wash his hair immediately upon walking in the door from school.

 And all washed up and hanging with brother Henry.

April 3, 2012

first bath.

The doctor finally gave us the okay to give Henry a real bath (as opposed to the sponge baths he was getting), now that his belly button has completely healed (isn't it super cute?!).

Here he is getting all fresh and clean for the very first time.

p.s. - Don't' worry, it only looks like I was torturing him. Andy and Rowan's first baths went exactly the same way, and I can assure you that bath time is now one of their favorite pastimes!