June 2, 2013:

and June 3, 2012:

Apparently some things never change. Such as, I like to dress my sons in red shirts when we go to sculpture gardens. And we are still using the same Esprit tote that I got 20 years ago as a picnic bag.
And some things are completely different. Like, how much bigger and stronger the boys have gotten, while still completely looking like. . . themselves. And Henry is now wearing the shirt and shorts that Rowan has on in the pictures from the year before. And yet, last year I felt like Rowan was so much older than I think Henry is now. And how last year Rowan had to climb up onto the Allen Bertoldi sculpture on his knees and belly. But this year he was stepping up and jumping off like a big kid. Last year, Andy's legs were barely long enough to reach up to where Rowan was this year. It's really fun to see them all grow up and do the same things, and the same things as each other, but in their own way.
The same. But different.
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