February 28, 2014

what we've been up to.

wearing (a new hat)




twirling and sucking


looking (handsome)





and sharing (the same coat)
What have you been up to?

February 25, 2014

and now. . .

. . . let the wild rumpus start!

February 24, 2014

back to school!

Cannigetta Woot! Woot!


February 19, 2014

a tale of two cities.

Once upon a time, there were two executives on their way to work in the big city:

Meanwhile, back at home the two country mice were tucked under the covers nursing their stuffy heads.
And that is the end of our story for today.

February 18, 2014

February 14, 2014

happy valentine's day!

Hope your day is filled with lots of love!


February 11, 2014

are you ready?

because more snow is heading our way!

February 10, 2014

henry wakes up happy.

Henry is the first baby of mine to wake from a nap with a smile on his face. He's rarely cranky and out-of-sorts. Just smiley, groggy and mellow. And I just love that about him!

And finally, he's fully awake!

February 5, 2014

another day off.

We got the 5 am wake-up call again this morning. School is closed again due to "inclement weather." This is starting to get old.

Hope you are staying warm, and let's hope we all keep power with this ice storm!

February 4, 2014

reasons to celebrate!

We've been busy the past few weekends with lots and lots of celebrating! So much so, that we are looking forward to getting our diets back to normal and keeping things a little modest for a while. About 10 days ago, we celebrated Tom's 37th (gasp!) and went out for an amazing dinner at Maroni's in Northport. Tasting menu style, we tried about 25 different dishes that night -- all of which were delicious! The next weekend, my parents celebrated their FORTIETH (also known as their Ruby) wedding anniversary, and we had a small but fun celebration with, of course, lots of food and cake! Phew! Who knew so much good news could make you so full! 

So before we move on and get back to our normal routine, I just want to say again how much I love you all -- my adorable husband AND my wonderful parents! And there is no one else in the world I'd rather get fat for than you guys!

The Bride and Groom

It Had To Be You

February 3, 2014

what's special.

I recently came across this article, which really made me think. Interestingly, the author is a Jesuit priest from Long Island that now ministers at Holy Cross. He writes about visiting his mom and sister at home for a special day in the city, and then getting peeved at them for falling asleep on the LIRR during the train ride home. He feels angry that they didn't force themselves to stay awake for him, because he is only home to visit so often. But as he reflects on his anger, he realizes, he's mad because he's trying to make the entire event of his visit something extraordinary. But in doing so, he's losing the many ordinary moments of wonderful that the three of them had experienced together during the day.
I think it was a lovely way to bring focus to the many moments of "special" and wonderful that we have here together in this house of very ordinary days.

Though entire days are rarely amazing (i.e, never), the precious moments that are scattered throughout each day truly are. And for each of them, I am grateful.