August 24, 2011

earthquakes and haircuts. big day. big.

Yesterday we felt the earth move under our feet like we were Carole King herself! But despite CNN's coverage making us feel like we shouldn't leave our house for fear of the Apocalypse, we ventured out in the name of beauty! Andy's hair was so long even he was telling me he needed a haircut, and Rowan's mullet was starting to get out of control. So we took a risk and headed out to Zippity Doos.

I expected Rowan to be less than cooperative, but he surprised me, and was actually cool as a cucumber! Even he knew it was time for the hair to go.

So without further adieu, I give you the big reveal. . .



Who knew he could get more handsome?

And if you are wondering where Andy is in all of this, he was actually a very good boy, too, but declined to pose for any photos for mommy. Though I did catch him in one:

My little guys are getting so big! (sniff, sniff)

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