February 29, 2012

while we wait.

The days are feeling loooooong as we wait for our baby to arrive. Not knowing when or where or how it will all go down is probably the hardest part for me. In the meantime, I've been sewing and trying to keep things tidy around here, in order to keep my mind occupied and settled. Here are a few other things making me happy as we pass the time:

  • I'm loving this couch from Anthropologie. I could totally do this with the couch in my parents' living room . . . if they wanted to give it to me someday (hint, hint!)
  • This song off of the new Norah Jones album is keeping me in a happy mood.
  • This post about making lists. I am a huge "to do" list-maker, as anyone who knows me could tell you, and it's nice to feel validated for a change!
  • Dreaming about fitting into normal-sized clothes again like this and this.
  • And of course, I can't wait to have some of this!
Let the countdown begin!

February 27, 2012

February 21, 2012

driving miss daisy.

We spent the weekend running errands in preparation for the big day (coming in three weeks or less!). Here's a picture of how we bribed our boys to be good at the outlets as we shopped for last minute baby-related items.

It's so funny -- Rowan loves to take charge driving the truck, while Andy is perfectly happy to be chauffeured around. Hmmm, a metaphor for their personalities, perhaps?

And here are pictures of our little peanut after he busted his lip at the playground. He took it a lot better than I did. Yes, that is blood all over his face (sniff). I guess the good thing is that we all managed to survive our first bloody injury. I'm sure there are more in our futures. . .

February 20, 2012

andy's special day.

Friday was Anderson's special day at preschool. I barely caught him doing all of the cute things he gets to do on his special day, he moves so quickly (or I'm so slow these days!), but here are a few shots of the back of his head as he puts his special person on the bulletin board, looks through binoculars to check the weather, and beats the lollipop drum to tell his classmates that it's time to clean up.

 And then, just because they are hilarious, here are some pictures of the King of Comfort in his bathrobe after taking a bath.
 Counting. . . of course. . .

Happy Monday!

February 15, 2012

nerd love.

I'm coming to accept that my boys are nerds (sigh).  I find their dorkiness both adorable, and, at times, mildly irritating.

Rowan is obsessed with books. He carries "Are You My Mother?" with him everywhere. He won't go to sleep unless he has "Goodnight Moon" in the crib with him. For the most part, it's super cute. Except when you want to get out the door and can't find his book. Or he throws his book out of the crib at night and then cries for us to pick it up for him. . .

Then there's Andy. Andy is beyond obsessed with numbers. And telling time. And the numbers on the scale, and the television, and the car dash, and the oven, and basically, any number he can find, anytime. Anywhere. Again, super cute. Until you realize that it's only 8:15 in the morning and you've already answered the question "Mommy, what time is it?" 37 times. It makes for a looooooooong day.

Here are some pictures of my little nerds in action.

Rowan "reading":

And Andy -- doing his number thing.  In this "game", he is taking number puzzle pieces and arranging them into larger numbers. For example, he'll take the 7, the 0, and the 1 and place them all next to each other and yell out "701!"; then he'll throw the 1, and put the 2 next to the 7 and 0 and yell "702!" -- this can go on forever.  Or, more accurately. . . infinitely.

Also, I don't know if this is nerdy or just related to them being future men, but they both know how to work the remote better than I can!

February 14, 2012

happy valentine's day!

Wishing you a delicious day filled with love, hugs and little surprises!

February 13, 2012

andy's quilt.

Andy's quilt is finally done, and I think he really likes it! Here are a few pictures of him relaxing in his "spot" with his new, cozy cover-up!

February 12, 2012

in love with these valentines!

Andy's Valentine's Day party at preschool is tomorrow, and we just finished up his little valentines for the class. I think they are super cute! Don't think I'm crazy creative, since I saw the idea on Design Mom first. But I am so happy with our handmade version! I think they are pure perfection!

Here's the front:

And this is the back:

And here's the whole cute batch together!

Andy wrote his name on each of the cards (he traces the letters that I've already written) and was really excited to make a valentine for each of his classmates and his teachers!

Sending you love and hugs in advance of Valentine's Day! 

February 9, 2012

the dyson triplets.

Without fail, if the boys see or (god forbid) hear the vacuum before they are ready to join in the festivities, they totally freak out. They particularly love to vacuum with Daddy. That's the bees knees.

If only their vacuums actually worked. . .

* disclaimer: it wasn't until after I took these pictures that I noticed Rowan had dumped his milk all over the couch, thus the wet spots all over the back of his pajamas (since he obviously sat in it, after the crime had occurred). Yes, we did change his pajamas before he went to bed, once we realized what had happened. No, we weren't happy about it.

** disclaimer #2: In case you were grossed out by our impossibly full vacuum -- I'm 8 months pregnant, and therefore not responsible for emptying the canister on the vacuum. That's a job for non-pregnant, loving husband. 

February 7, 2012

when the cat's away. . .

Usually, when Andy is tired and watches tv, you can find him here:

The other day, when Andy was at nursery school, I found Rowan in the playroom like this:


February 3, 2012

kids {mom} for sale.

Yesterday I was at the point that I was willing to barter my children on Craigslist for something as basic as a new step stool. Even if it were legal, I don't think anyone would have traded me. To keep things fair, these guys probably would want to sell me on Craigslist, too. . . if they knew what Craigslist was. Or had any concept of money.

I am getting to the point of pregnant-ness where I just cannot keep up with them, no matter how hard I try. And that's the other thing -- I'm not sure if I am actually trying hard, or if everything I do just feels like I am trying hard.  I can't reach pacifiers that fall all the way underneath the crib. I can't grab a bus that rolls under the tv stand. I have no lap for the boys to sit in when they are hurt, tired or want to read a story. I can't wrestle, run, or give horsey-back rides.  I'm kind of lame. I get it. So I can understand if they really think I'm no fun right now.

But yesterday? The feeling was mutual. I'm just sayin'.

February 1, 2012

getting ready.

It won't be long now. . . even for as big and uncomfortable as I am feeling, I also feel like the baby will be here before we know it. I finally found the perfect outfit for bringing him or her home from the hospital. Now I can wash it and have it all set for baby's arrival! Hooray!