February 29, 2012

while we wait.

The days are feeling loooooong as we wait for our baby to arrive. Not knowing when or where or how it will all go down is probably the hardest part for me. In the meantime, I've been sewing and trying to keep things tidy around here, in order to keep my mind occupied and settled. Here are a few other things making me happy as we pass the time:

  • I'm loving this couch from Anthropologie. I could totally do this with the couch in my parents' living room . . . if they wanted to give it to me someday (hint, hint!)
  • This song off of the new Norah Jones album is keeping me in a happy mood.
  • This post about making lists. I am a huge "to do" list-maker, as anyone who knows me could tell you, and it's nice to feel validated for a change!
  • Dreaming about fitting into normal-sized clothes again like this and this.
  • And of course, I can't wait to have some of this!
Let the countdown begin!

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