February 9, 2012

the dyson triplets.

Without fail, if the boys see or (god forbid) hear the vacuum before they are ready to join in the festivities, they totally freak out. They particularly love to vacuum with Daddy. That's the bees knees.

If only their vacuums actually worked. . .

* disclaimer: it wasn't until after I took these pictures that I noticed Rowan had dumped his milk all over the couch, thus the wet spots all over the back of his pajamas (since he obviously sat in it, after the crime had occurred). Yes, we did change his pajamas before he went to bed, once we realized what had happened. No, we weren't happy about it.

** disclaimer #2: In case you were grossed out by our impossibly full vacuum -- I'm 8 months pregnant, and therefore not responsible for emptying the canister on the vacuum. That's a job for non-pregnant, loving husband. 

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