February 15, 2012

nerd love.

I'm coming to accept that my boys are nerds (sigh).  I find their dorkiness both adorable, and, at times, mildly irritating.

Rowan is obsessed with books. He carries "Are You My Mother?" with him everywhere. He won't go to sleep unless he has "Goodnight Moon" in the crib with him. For the most part, it's super cute. Except when you want to get out the door and can't find his book. Or he throws his book out of the crib at night and then cries for us to pick it up for him. . .

Then there's Andy. Andy is beyond obsessed with numbers. And telling time. And the numbers on the scale, and the television, and the car dash, and the oven, and basically, any number he can find, anytime. Anywhere. Again, super cute. Until you realize that it's only 8:15 in the morning and you've already answered the question "Mommy, what time is it?" 37 times. It makes for a looooooooong day.

Here are some pictures of my little nerds in action.

Rowan "reading":

And Andy -- doing his number thing.  In this "game", he is taking number puzzle pieces and arranging them into larger numbers. For example, he'll take the 7, the 0, and the 1 and place them all next to each other and yell out "701!"; then he'll throw the 1, and put the 2 next to the 7 and 0 and yell "702!" -- this can go on forever.  Or, more accurately. . . infinitely.

Also, I don't know if this is nerdy or just related to them being future men, but they both know how to work the remote better than I can!

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