March 31, 2014

special snowy day.

Today was rowan's special day at school, and for the fifth time in a row, it snowed on his special day. I mean, I would say what are the odds, but this winter? The odds are pretty good.

Rowan is getting so big. Watching him on the slide, it was a huge leap from where he was only a few months ago. He's taller. More in command of his movements. And just getting older. Exciting and of course, bittersweet.

 Here he is sitting under the slide, showing how the static electricity makes his hair stand up. Ironic, since he makes my hair stand up on a regular basis. Like, for example, when he locked me out of the house this afternoon while I was outside, and he went down to the basement.

In other news, last night we went out for pizza. Here are my cute guys as we waited for our pizza to arrive.

The sun is shining, the snow is melting. Hopefully spring is finally here? Happy monday, all! xo

March 20, 2014

March 18, 2014

henry turns two.

It's official. The two's are here, and they are quite. . . TWO-ish! It's okay, Henry, we still love ya to bits! Here's the birthday boy on his big day, at least what I could get that's semi-worth showing.

happy birthday, henry! as usual, you enjoyed yourself! hope it's another great year of growing and learning, enjoying life, and being the sweetest! We love you, baby boy!

March 14, 2014

{one} last day.

For a few more hours, I can still say my baby is 1. But after today, no one will believe he's a baby anymore. Because when they ask, "how old is he?" I'll have to respond, "two." And that means he's a toddler. Not a baby anymore. And that is making me so very sad. He is still my baby. He will always be my baby. But only to me. To everyone else, he'll be a boy.

March 12, 2014

extra credit.

Andy's teacher sent home some "optional" homework for him to try out. When I saw it, I thought it looked pretty tough and I wasn't sure how he'd do. Here's how it went. 

Mind. Officially. Blown.

March 5, 2014