May 12, 2011

A new project.

Nothing like a good deadline to get me moving on a project. So I've decided now that the playroom is under control (I'll post some pictures soon -- once the finishing touches are in place), I'm going to start making something that will be fun and cute for here:

Note: that is not me in the background

I'm going to try to turn this:

into an awesomely cute and girly beach blanket quilt.  Because everything, no seriously everything, in this house is either blue, green, grey or brown -- with the occasional splash of yellow. It's so boring! So in order to keep myself from crying again when I open up the girl's section of the Pottery Barn Kids catalog (yes, I have cried), I have decided to infuse my life with as much pink (especially hot pink) as I can. I never appreciated pink until having a house full of boys. I never even liked pink. Now I'm addicted. I mean, I'm not wearing the word "pink" across my ass, but pink is like a breath of fresh air in my sea of dude-dom.  So my goal is to get this pink beach quilt done in time to add some much-needed girliness to our {my} summer.

What projects are you working on for summer?


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