May 9, 2011

So, here's the deal.

We are fiiiiiinally getting around to hanging some things in the play/guest room. Tom stayed home today and while he is out buying the hardware we need, I am making the preliminary layout for the pictures. I used newspaper for some of the heavier items: the A is actually this A from anthropologie, the R is a wooden R I got off of Etsy from this shop, and the shape in the upper right corner is the eyan elephant (made of cardboard) from rock, paper scissors -- we spray painted it green. I still need to get frames for a few of the items, so try to imagine white or brown frames on most of the stuff that is unframed (except the kite, which may or may not stay). Do you think everything is a bit too high? That's my initial reaction, but I'm not sure. . . what do you think?

Also, try to send some good thoughts to my very sick little peanut resting on the couch. He has a 103 degree fever and has the cutest (but very sick sounding) raspy voice. Talk to you soon! Hope you had a great day yesterday!


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