July 14, 2011


Today our little Andy turned 3! I'm amazed at how much he has learned over this past year. His vocabulary has expanded from a few words into well-thought-out sentences. He gets knock-knock jokes.  He can process when he's done something wrong and apologize afterward.  And he can empathize with others when they are sad or hurt. It's truly unbelievable to see how much he has grown.  He's really made the leap from a baby into a little boy.  We are so proud of the person he is becoming and so excited to continue to learn who he will be over this next year!

Yet, as excited as we are for him to move forward, there are definitely those "Andyisms" that I'm sure he will outgrow over the next year that we're going to miss:

- When I tell him what we are going to do next: That's a great idea!

- When something goes wrong: Oh, dear!

- When I ask him to do something: Not yet, but toon (soon)

- When I tell him we are going out: We going in da big car?

- When I change my clothes:  Mommy, you look great!  or my other favorite, You look tow (so) cute!

- When Tom calls him Andy-boy: Okay, Daddy-boy.

- When he asks what something is and you tell him the name of it (for example, a screwdriver): I YOVE da crewdriver! (I love the screwdriver)

- When we are baking together and are ready to move on to the next step: Toe now. (So now)

Happy Birthday, Andy! We love you so much!

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