July 12, 2011

we've come a long way, baby.

Today marks the fourth anniversary of the day that we purchased this house. It has taken a lot of work, money, and time to turn this place into a home that we are proud to call our own. It's amazing to think how far we've come since that day in 2007, because the house is not the only thing that's undergone a major transformation. Our lives have changed so much in this house. We've become parents, we've experienced the anticipation of meeting each of our babies as we rushed to prepare the house for each of their arrivals -- first the upstairs, then the kitchen. We've changed jobs, bodies (well, me, at least. hello, stretchmarks!) graduated from grad school. . . and started preschool with Andy -- all in these four years. There have been more times than I can count that we've regretted buying this house. If only we had waited six months, the market would have changed. If only we knew then how much we were going to want: a garage, a fourth bedroom, a house that didn't require updating in every nook and cranny, a neighbor that didn't have a giant boat in his front yard. . . .The list goes on. But in spite of all of these complaints, this house has been the home where our earliest family memories were created; and for that, it will always be a very special and very wonderful house. So, happy 4th anniversary little house! It's been quite a journey!

Some of our proudest moments since July 12, 2007. A day that seems so long ago, and at the same time, like yesterday:






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