July 11, 2013

more from around the block.

It's been a busy day of birthday prep and cupcake making around here. It's hard to believe that it's already time for pajamas and winding down the day. A few more pics from vacation below!
One of the only beach days where it was warm enough for Tom to take his shirt off. Hands off, ladies, he's mine!

How many Sopers does it take to dig a sandpit?

Sulking in the sand.

It would be great to photoshop these two pics together, right?

Sunset at the lighthouse.

If you look closely, you can see the light at the top of the lighthouse is on!


Fog at the southeast lighthouse.
Perfect day for ice cream. Especially if you have someone to feed it to you like you're a baby lamb.

My face is saying, "this is just ridiculous. And yet I will stay here until he is done."

two emus at the animal farm.


They were moving like crazy! Tom held it up to Rowan, the legs started going wild, and if you had eardrums at the time, Rowan pierced them.
Ready to eat!

. . . indoors. Because of the fog. Of course.
Fourth of July fireworks postponed 'til tomorrow. Due to the fog.

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