July 23, 2013

what we've been up to.

I'm always taking random pictures with my phone. Then later I look back and I'm surprised by all the stuff I've done, but don't even remember. Even though I did them, like, the day before yesterday. Ha!

This weekend we went to our first Lobsterfest event ever. I felt like I was packing for Block Island. Who knew we had to bring so much stuff! I thought we just showed up. Silly me.

It was a beautiful night, and we ended up having a lot of fun. Even if the lobsters were some of the worst I've ever had in my life! Blech! Next time, we know to eat beforehand!

Here's Rowan on Sunday, working on a tissue paper project we bought Andy for his birthday. I was surprised he sat as long as he did and actually finished the star. He must be turning 3 next week!

Pizza and pool party on the deck!

Yesterday Andy went back to the immunologist. He needed more blood work and was not happy about it.

 Here's the car in Mum-Mum and Papa's driveway -- the next generation.
Here's the original.

 After refusing to nap, Henry finally passed out right before dinner. In the highchair.
 Out cold.
 Today I took all three to the grocery store for the first time ever. It went surprisingly well.
 And the bakery.
 And the farm stand.
And now, you are all caught up!

1 comment:

  1. seriously... lobsterfest was only this past weekend? You must be joking. :-)
    i still am amazed you did the grocery store with all three. you are my hero!
