August 16, 2011

aunt kiki comes to town.

This weekend Aunt Kiki came to visit. While the weather was less than perfect, we still had a great time and are missing her already! The boys are obviously going through withdrawal, because it's only 10 am, and they are both napping! Unprecedented!

Thankfully we had one nice day, which we spent at grandma and grandpa's, but by that evening, the rain had begun.  And it ended just in time for Aunt Kiki to step out of the car at the airport. To keep ourselves busy in the downpour, we did our fair share of eating plenty of unhealthy snacks, pampered ourselves with pedicures and facials, and played a lot of scrabble (the inappropriate words were all Aunt Kiki). Come back soon, Aunt Kiki! We miss you! xoxo

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