August 2, 2011

rowan is ONE!

Today our sweet boy Rowan turns one year old. It is hard to imagine life before he was here.

rowan, you are such a special part of our lives. You have made us so happy in so many ways. We have loved watching you grow from our little baby into a little boy with so much personality over these past 12 months. From our dark-haired, little peanut into a hearty, rough-and-tumble little boy with blonde hair and the biggest brown eyes we've ever seen! We love you so much, Rowan, and we can't wait to see what this next year brings! Happy first birthday!

And now, onto other important matters of the day.

Today is also the day, eight years ago, that I married the man who is my best friend, the man who makes me happier than I could have ever imagined, and the man that I look forward to growing old and cranky (okay, crankier) with when we retire somewhere on the shores of the Mediterranean in our romantic bungalow (a girl can dream, right?)

tom, I love you with my whole heart. It has been an amazing eight years together. We have grown and changed so much over these eight years, and as long as we continue to grow together and in the same direction, there is nothing we can't handle! This past year has been particularly filled with it's share of changes -- our little Rowan, the loss of two important people in our lives, and our latest little (big) surprise -- but each change only makes me love and appreciate you more.  You are the rock that I lean on for everything. Your help and love make everything possible. I am so lucky to have you.  You are a wonderful husband, father and overall person. Happy Anniversary. I love you.

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