August 21, 2011

girls' day out.

This weekend was Grandma's birthday, and we celebrated it with some girl time in the city. I'm still recovering from all of the walking we did, but we had a blast! We started off the day in the garment district pretending to be contestants on Project Runway (hint: we were here, Designers), headed toward the City Quilter, stopped quickly in this toy store, then grabbed some lunch at Blue Water Grill.  After lunch we browsed at the Union Square Farmers' Market, spent a ridiculous amount of time in ABC Home and finished our day down in SoHo at Pearl River Market and Purl Soho. Ambitious, no?

It really was a marathon of a day, but we got to see a ton and had a stupendous birthday time doing it!

After our excursion, the boys picked us up from the train and we all headed back to Mom-Mom and Papa's for dinner and a birthday cake decorated with heart and soul by Andy (and a little help from daddy).

Happy Birthday, Mom! We love you lots and lots! Here's to an awesome birthday and an even better year ahead! xoxo

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