February 28, 2013

artistic style.

It's really interesting to watch how differently the boys approach things, especially the creative process. Andy, much like I was as a kid, only likes to create if he can replicate something that he already knows that he likes. He never wants to invest his energy in doing something and have it come out not looking the way he wants it to. That's why when we paint rocks, or make collages, or do anything, really, he needs to know "what am I making?". And if there is a picture on the box, he needs to see it, study it and try his best to recreate it.

He's structured, thoughtful, sometimes too hard on himself, and likes to please. He's also quick to quit. Andy tends to get disappointed if he fails to meet the standard he has in his head and will give up in frustration. I have to encourage him to keep at it when the picture is going outside of the lines.

On the other hand, Rowan just dives right in. Sometimes he knows what he is making ahead of time. Other times he makes, and then determines what it is. And because of that, he's always happy with the results

He's daring, not worried about meeting any particular standard, and flexible with the outcome. He also sometimes is too eager and ends up knocking the paint over, he's messy, and he refuses guidance or advice.

Vincent Van Ro

Isn't it interesting to see how this little process is reflective of their overall personalities and what's important to them? And isn't it amazing how different they are!

February 27, 2013

the saddest boy you'll ever see.

On Monday I took Henry and Rowan to the doctor for their well visits, and ever since, Henry hasn't been doing too "well". In fact, he's been downright miserable. The combination of teething and shots is really making him sad, sad, sad.

On Monday night, Henry didn't fall asleep until almost 10 o'clock, which is unheard of. Here he is with daddy watching some Market Warriors. You can actually see the reflection of the television on his drying tears in the one below.

My poor, sweet little hen, please feel better soon! Mommy loves you!

February 26, 2013

Too plugged in.

These pictures pretty much sum up a lot of what's been going on around here lately -- especially this past weekend. We've had too much wet, cold weather, too much tech, and too much tv. So we are unplugging this week. No tv at all during the daytime. No truck videos on the computer. And with daddy at work, there's no iphone and no ipad to play with. So far it hasn't been easy, but I'm blaming that one on the full moon. . .

February 25, 2013

bedtime buddies.

 Here's the boys in their matching blue pajamas. . . too cute!

February 22, 2013

friday. phew.

We have a busy little weekend planned, starting with swim classes bright and early tomorrow morning for the boys. How about you? What are you up to? Anything good?? Tell me! Tell me!

We went to the playground yesterday, just to run around, and boy was it c-c-c-c-c-cold! I think we lasted about .2 seconds in all honesty. But we did manage to get on the swings.

So there you have it! Henry's first ride on the swings! Don't blink! You might have missed it!

And finally, here are a few links I've come across this week that I think you might like!

  • How beautiful is this art by Stasia Burrington?

  • I'm hoping to have the chance to see this artist's work in person (probably nsfw).

  • Some really interesting photographs of New York done in cyanotype. I particularly love the image of Edgar Allen Poe's home in the Bronx!

  • Have you seen the movie First Position? We saw it about a month ago, and I still think of it often. It was inspiring in so many ways.

  • This weekend, we'll be eating the leftovers of this ridiculously simple soup. It takes a total of about 11 minutes to make, and it tastes like thanksgiving in a bowl. Next time I'm going to try making it with the rotisserie turkeys they sell at the grocery store and serve with a salad -- dried cranberries and candied walnuts to top it off! Yum!

Have a great weekend, and I'll see you on Monday! xoxo

February 21, 2013

what I'm making.

Tom's been working hard, traveling a lot. So I've been using the time that he's been away to be productive. I've been making lots of fun things, including a quilt for Rowan's bed that I've had in my mind for quite some time. Here's a peek. . .

Sewing at night is always most productive with a glass of wine.
The best part is that Rowan is super-excited about it. Every time he sees me cutting and sewing he wants to know if I'm working on "his quilt" and asks me to lay all of the blocks out on the living room floor so that he can check my progress!

Another bonus, the project has been approved by Abe Lincoln!

I'll keep you posted when I have the whole top assembled. My goal is to have the entire quilt finished and on his bed by the end of March. . . fingers crossed!!

February 20, 2013


This moment: watching Rowan's little fingers pull mini m&m's out of the wrapper and feed them to himself. He is completely unaware of how pretty his little face is in the light of the sunset.  And how much, at this very minute, I love him.

February 19, 2013

a weekend date: with all my boys.

This weekend was a keeper. Because of the extra day, it really felt like we were able to get all of the chores done and have some time to relax together as a family. On Sunday night we took the boys out for pizza; and while it may have been a little stressful at times (it's really apparent how outnumbered we are when we are trying to be civilized in public), we ended up having a really fun time!

Things were a little hairy before the pizza came. . . 

Tom is wondering if this was a good idea. . .

and then the food came, and all was good!

food coma

you want to put cheese on every bite? does it keep you quiet? well then, carry on!

Hope you had a great weekend, too!

February 18, 2013

henry's first valentine's day.

This past Thursday was Henry's first Valentine's Day and we celebrated it the only way we know how -- with food, of course! We had heart-shaped pancakes, cupcakes, and our valentine's tradition: linguini with clam sauce (fresh pasta only -- dried pasta need not apply!) Hope your day was as sweet as ours!

the pancake man

beautiful flowers from my guys

he refused to let me take the wrapper off for him

yes, that is my ironing board in the background

technically fettuccini with clam sauce -- there was no fresh linguini in the store we (me and the kids) went to, and I was not about to take all of them to another store just for a sixteenth of an inch less on each ribbon of pasta! Mangia!

February 15, 2013

eleven months.

Henry is eleven months old today. And like all of my babies at eleven months,

he has fallen in love. With the vacuum cleaner.

Here's Henry, playing peekaboo with the cord. Looks safe, right?

Here's Andy. Looking like he's not doing anything wrong. Check out the vibrant color on that onesie. . . back before Rowan had gotten to it. . .
Rowan seems to be the only one to get the concept that he shouldn't be playing with the vacuum, and looks caught in the act!

I hope you have a fun three-day weekend planned (that is, if the snow didn't take away your days off)!  Here are some interesting links I've come across this week that you might find interesting, too.  

  • Another fun thing to google is the animal that represents you in the Chinese Zodiac. I'm year of the snake and Tom is year of the dragon. We found the descriptions to be pretty accurate, right down to the recommended careers under each sign. Dragons excel in Sales, Marketing, and Advertising! 

Have a great weekend, and I'll see you back here on Monday (oh, did I forget to mention that? I'm taking the weekends off, but I'll still be sticking to my 100 days!) Til then, xoxoxo!

February 14, 2013

happy valentine's day!

a little bit of brotherly love for your day today. . .

have a lovely day! xoxoxo

February 13, 2013

mr. stands-a-lot.

Henry has gotten the hang of standing. Well, he's got the hang of getting into the standing position. It's just that once he's there, he's not so keen on it yet. Which is not the best for me, because he gets into the standing position constantly. Then yells for me to help him back down. Then yells at me because he doesn't really want to be down. He wants to be standing. It's kinda unwinable.

See, this is Happiness.
Which quickly turns to Despair.
Then transforms to Anger.
 And finally, Incredulousness. "Why aren't you helping me?!?!?"
Then I help him down.
"Why would you do that?!? I was standing!"

And so it goes.