February 19, 2013

a weekend date: with all my boys.

This weekend was a keeper. Because of the extra day, it really felt like we were able to get all of the chores done and have some time to relax together as a family. On Sunday night we took the boys out for pizza; and while it may have been a little stressful at times (it's really apparent how outnumbered we are when we are trying to be civilized in public), we ended up having a really fun time!

Things were a little hairy before the pizza came. . . 

Tom is wondering if this was a good idea. . .

and then the food came, and all was good!

food coma

you want to put cheese on every bite? does it keep you quiet? well then, carry on!

Hope you had a great weekend, too!

1 comment:

  1. somehow... we made it work... definitely a high wire act at first. now when henry gets a seat at the table too? watch out.
