February 9, 2013

a challenge: to myself

We sort of missed out on the New Year. It kinda came and went without the usual celebrating and self-assessment of years past because we were too sick to deal with it. So instead, we (okay, I) looked at February 1st as the start of our family's new year, and gave ourselves (that's me and Tom, right Tom?? right?) two weeks to make resolutions for ourselves/set some goals for the year ahead.

One of my new year's resolutions (one of the many -- as Tom can tell you, I am an avid resolution maker [as he can also tell you, he is not] -- I'm even more obsessed with the idea of making and tracking those resolutions since finishing Gretchen Rubin's book Happier at Home [her follow-up to The Happiness Project], you should totally read it -- but that's beside the point). So, let's start over. One of my new year's resolutions is to keep better track of the small moments of our lives so that we do not forget them. Yes, I like to track stuff. I already take a lot of photographs. I keep a line-a-day journal. But this space was supposed to be a place where I could post and share those photos with our family and friends. Sometimes the process is cumbersome and time consuming and I'll be first to admit that I have been slacking off.

So starting today, I am challenging myself to post something in this space every day for the next 100 days. I'm hoping by the time the challenge is over, it will have become something of a habit with its own rhythm in my day, so that I will continue to keep it up. Sort of like what they say happens with  exercising. . . only that has never happened for me. So hopefully this works better for me than a new gym membership! So here we go: a toast to keeping resolutions in the new year! Cheers!

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