February 15, 2013

eleven months.

Henry is eleven months old today. And like all of my babies at eleven months,

he has fallen in love. With the vacuum cleaner.

Here's Henry, playing peekaboo with the cord. Looks safe, right?

Here's Andy. Looking like he's not doing anything wrong. Check out the vibrant color on that onesie. . . back before Rowan had gotten to it. . .
Rowan seems to be the only one to get the concept that he shouldn't be playing with the vacuum, and looks caught in the act!

I hope you have a fun three-day weekend planned (that is, if the snow didn't take away your days off)!  Here are some interesting links I've come across this week that you might find interesting, too.  

  • Another fun thing to google is the animal that represents you in the Chinese Zodiac. I'm year of the snake and Tom is year of the dragon. We found the descriptions to be pretty accurate, right down to the recommended careers under each sign. Dragons excel in Sales, Marketing, and Advertising! 

Have a great weekend, and I'll see you back here on Monday (oh, did I forget to mention that? I'm taking the weekends off, but I'll still be sticking to my 100 days!) Til then, xoxoxo!


  1. i can't believe that onesie made it that long... also that snake drawing blows. my. mind.

  2. finally got a chance to look at the toilet paper art installation... so awesome.
