February 22, 2013

friday. phew.

We have a busy little weekend planned, starting with swim classes bright and early tomorrow morning for the boys. How about you? What are you up to? Anything good?? Tell me! Tell me!

We went to the playground yesterday, just to run around, and boy was it c-c-c-c-c-cold! I think we lasted about .2 seconds in all honesty. But we did manage to get on the swings.

So there you have it! Henry's first ride on the swings! Don't blink! You might have missed it!

And finally, here are a few links I've come across this week that I think you might like!

  • How beautiful is this art by Stasia Burrington?

  • I'm hoping to have the chance to see this artist's work in person (probably nsfw).

  • Some really interesting photographs of New York done in cyanotype. I particularly love the image of Edgar Allen Poe's home in the Bronx!

  • Have you seen the movie First Position? We saw it about a month ago, and I still think of it often. It was inspiring in so many ways.

  • This weekend, we'll be eating the leftovers of this ridiculously simple soup. It takes a total of about 11 minutes to make, and it tastes like thanksgiving in a bowl. Next time I'm going to try making it with the rotisserie turkeys they sell at the grocery store and serve with a salad -- dried cranberries and candied walnuts to top it off! Yum!

Have a great weekend, and I'll see you on Monday! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. while not inappropriate... yeah, im pretty certain that link is NSFW. also - not the best link to open while eating lunch.
