April 5, 2013

a visit to the immunologist.

Andy had an appointment with the immunologist/allergist today to see if we can figure out why he is getting sick as often as he does. Overall, the doctor was not concerned, but she ran some allergy tests and took some bloodwork to see if there is anything we can do to help him out. Turns out he is slightly allergic to dust mites, mold, and cats. (Tom looks at this as the perfect excuse never to have to get a cat.) The doctor prescribed an allergy medicine for Andy to try for the next few weeks to see if it helps, and then we will meet with the doctor again to go over the results of his bloodwork. If needed, he may get a booster of some of his vaccinations, which should help him to fight off some viruses, etc.

During the appointment, Andy was great. He handled his itchy back as only Andy could: By demanding me blow on it.  While he studied the tv guide. Seriously. The nurse asked if he wanted to watch tv. He took the remote from her and scrolled through the channel guide on Disney Junior for the next week. He now knows what show is on at what time, and the names of the episodes that will air for the next 72 hours.
Andy's back during the allergy test

Two peas in a pod watching the tv

Andy picked a sherif's badge from the treasure chest as a prize for being a good boy during all of his testing

Happy boy

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