April 4, 2013

the new -- dare I say improved? -- playroom.

Thanks to a lot of heavy lifting by my mom, we were able to get the new playroom all set up yesterday. Today will be the first time the boys actually play down there, but we brought them down yesterday to take a look. Rowan was so relieved that all of his toys actually still existed, he pooped his pants. Andy told us, "It's good. But it would be better. If it was UPSTAIRS." Here's the new room, pretty much a recreation of what we had before. We still need to hang one or two things on the wall.

What do you think?!?


  1. as much as i am loathe to admit it... it was worth the effort of recreating the playroom and staging a bedroom upstairs... may it bring us $$$$

  2. Yay I was able to join. Now I can annoy you with my endless comments. Hi Tom! I'm loving the new playroom. Is the tool bench under the stairs? I want to open up under our stairs in the basement. Feels like wasted space right now that could actually be made into something fun!

    1. Yay!! Yep, tool bench is under the stairs. Its great for storing the toys and trucks under there. So far they've been a little hesitant to go under, though. I've had to pull all of the stuff out for them to use it. But once they get used to it, i think it will be great! You should totally make a built-in play house under there! Amy and Craig did that in their house and it was awesome! I had basement envy!
